Professional counselor - Marta Spedalieri

Marta Spedalieri

Professional Counselor in the BioGestalt field

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I help people feel better with individual counselling meetings.

I work with companies through workplace counselling desks for the well-being of employees.

I organize and lead bioenergetics antistress exercise practice.

I believe and have faith in everyone’s abilities, strengths, and individual self-determination abilities.

Professional counselor - Marta Spedalieri

What BioGestalt means?

It means that I have an education in two different fields:

  • The Gestalt theory by Fritz Perls
  • The Bioenergetics by Alexander Lowen who has a bodily approach

Both disciplines are based on the unity of Mind-Body-Emotions. The name of my website moves from here.

Three elements that are extremely interconnected in all of us. Three different starting points from whom we begin to explore to better know ourselves and feel better.

Life gives us hard moments

There are changing stages, choices, personal growth and sometimes it is hard to cope with everything alone, without the right instruments.

A counseling process aims to improve the quality of life and the well-being of a person using one’s own resources and abilities to achieve them.

A bit about myself

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I’m a Professional Counselor, a registered member of AssoCounseling REG n°A3300-2024.

I graduated from SIBiG Italian School of BioGestalt with training that includes the use of Gestalt techniques, Bioenergetics, elements of Transactional Analysis, and creativity.

I also studied bioenergetics in depth by graduating in conducting anti-stress bioenergetics classes at IPSO Institute of Relational Somato Psychology in Milan.

I take care of the well-being of people both at an individual and corporate level with the opening of counseling offices within companies.

I like reading and traveling, especially in Northern Europe, I assemble Lego bricks and I love good food.

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What I can do for you

Individual counselling - Marta Spedalieri

Individual Counseling meetings

A safe and confidential space for listening and reflection, in which to explore difficulties, states of crisis and strengthen the ability to choose or change.

Workplace counselling - Marta Spedalieri

Workplace Counseling desks

I offer a confidential environment where employees can explore and address personal or professional challenges that affect their well-being at work.

Bioenergetics exercises - Marta Spedalieri

Bioenergetics antistress exercise practice

I use breathing techniques, muscle relaxation and body movements to release the tensions accumulated in the body, restoring energetic balance.